当前位置 首页 纪录片 《仅限女性》


类型:纪录片  德国  2021 


导演:Rebana Liz John 


During the morning commute, trains in Mumbai, India, are like trains from hell. As if they’re the last trains on earth, hordes of people jump in through the closing doors, while those unable to get in hang onto the doors. Thankfully, one of the cars is for women only—it is another India within India, a micro universe of women. Rebana Liz John takes her camera into this car and asks the passengers: "What makes you angry?" Various women, including a housewife, a punk girl, a weightlifter, and a college student, unravel their thoughts on their dreams and freedom. As the voices of urban Indian women vividly come alive in this black-and-white film, light and shadow, noises and movements, breezes and landscape made by the speedily moving train combine with everchanging faces, creating unexpected cinematic moments that almost seem to have been directed. (KANG Sowon)



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